Thursday, December 6, 2007

Review: Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut

This is a haunting yet bizarre tale of a man (Billy Pilgrim) who comes "unstuck in time" and his non-chronological adventures, as well as capturing the destruction of Dresden during World War II.

Billy Pilgrim is an unlikely protagonist, a man just sort of trying to get by, simply existing in the moment. Early in the story, Billy becomes "unstuck in time," and begins floating from past to future and back to present throughout the story. He is kidnapped by aliens from Tralfamadore, who see in four dimensions, and see all moments of life at one time.

Looking at this book, the whole plot concept was so bizarre and different, it would take great craft to bring the story to life without confusing the Heck out of its readers. Kurt Vonnegut does an amazing job telling a story whose plot and events ping back and forth all across space and time.

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