Friday, January 2, 2009

Review: I'm a Stranger Here Myself by Bill Bryson

This is actually a collection of the pieces he wrote for a column in a British magazine about life in America. They relate some of his experiences on returning home to the US after living in England for twenty years. They're hilarious.

I first read Bryson's A Walk in the Woods a couple years ago, and definitely fell in love with his ironic voice. He relates some stories and facts about history that are frankly, absurd and hysterical.

In I'm a Stranger Here Myself, Bryson discusses the numbers of Americans (400,000) who are injured each year by beds, mattresses, or pillows. Seriously. It's almost ten times more people than were injured by razors and razor blades. Pretty weird!

Many of the pieces made me laugh out loud. A couple of times I caught my husband sneaking a peak at the book when he thought I wasn't looking to try to find out what was so funny. Great stuff!

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