Saturday, May 16, 2009

ACFW Genesis Writing Contest

I'm months late in posting this, because I really should have done this before the deadline for Genesis contest entries, but I wanted to post now while this is fresh in my mind.

This was my second time entering the Genesis contest. I'd gone back and forth about entering, but decided at the last minute to submit something. And as a finalist, I have to say I'm really thankful I went ahead and bit the bullet. But not simply because of my finalist standing!

In the first round of this contest, three judges score a fifteen page submission on twenty different criteria. Judges are encouraged to leave feedback on the entry as well, to specify why a low score was given or offer helpful tips to improve a specific technique as well as to praise something the writer has done particularly well.

So basically, for $35 (the contest entry fee), an entrant receives feedback from three experienced writers, and finalists also receive similar feedback from two professional editors as well in the final round.

My scores so far are very much on par with those I received last year for a different entry, which is encouraging as far as my consistency as a writer. Unfortunately-- I still possess many of the same weaknesses as I did last year! Doh!! So obviously I still have many things to work on. :)

Having focused feedback has really helped me feel more energized about writing. Critique is always an opportunity to improve-- I think this is a key attitude for a writer to have. I may not agree with every bit of feedback (last year I had a couple comments that made me go hmmmm...), but much of it has been helpful in identifying the weaknesses in the story I'm trying to create.

Even though the Genesis contest is well underway and past submission deadlines, there are tons of other writing contests out there. I plan to enter at least one more contest this year. It's a great way to get your work out there and test its merit a little bit.

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