Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sister Love

The amazing thing about knowing someone for most or all of your life is the way those relationships change over time. In December my sister came to visit from California, and together with our youngest sister, we spent some much-needed catch-up time. I had forgotten how healing it can be to simply be with people who have been there through the ups and downs and twists and turns of life. I forgot how wonderful it feels to hang around and be silly.

I'm so proud of both of them for the identities and the lives they've built for themselves. It's really cool to see how we each have overlapping talents and interests, and how we've pursued them in completely different ways.

This picture was one of several that we took one afternoon during an extensive photo shoot of pictures we used to make calendars for our parents and grandparents. I love the closeness, and even the fact that it is shot from behind us. It makes me think of that sister bond, and how it's something we share from the inside, and other people only see from the outside.

I heard recently that a study showed people who have at least one sister are happier and more well-adjusted than the general population. I am doubly blessed, because I have two sisters-- and they are the most wonderful ones I could ask for.

I'll stop being sappy now. Love you both!

(Cari, I promise not to post sappy or embarrassing blogs about you ... don't stop being my one lone blog follower!!)


Unknown said...

I agree 100%. Sisters are the best!!

ohnoshedidnt said...

Awww I love my sisters!

~*~Hallie~*~ said...

Aww Kase, this was so nice.:)

Patti Lacy said...

LOVE this article--and the priceless picture! I need to visit this blog more often.

I totally believe that research about sister health and am grateful that God has provided me so many sisters in Christ to make up for no biological one!!!

Stop by my place when you have a chance. There'a an article on how the publisher achieves a title.

I miss the comaraderie with my Kasey.


K L Giard said...

Yay! Thanks for reading my post y'all. Patti - I'm honored to be considered one of those sisters in Christ! Love ya!!