Monday, February 4, 2008

On Writing: You Might Be a Writer If...

1. You at least occasionally find yourself mentally narrating your own life.

2. The people you know the best are the central characters in a story you're writing.

3. You spot real people who remind you of your main characters at Wal-Mart and consider stealthily following them around to see what they say and do that might contribute to your story.

4. You see a story in everything. There is always an obstacle, drama, drama and more drama.

5. You find it next to impossible to write an email containing less than 300 words.

6. You take great delight in contemplating and carrying out the demise of one of your characters.

7. You fall in love with a good story, no matter who wrote it.

8. You can't stop thinking about writing. Your daydreams are stories. Your dreams. You might be able to walk away from it for a season, but the story is a longing that never fades away completely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! Funny and frighteningly accurate. (Nooo, I don't narrate my own life. What kind of nut job does that?)

Skimming down, appreciated your thoughts on Just Listen. That and Dreamland are my fave Dessen books; good to see someone else who enjoys her work.